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Iterating Through Arrays

When looping through arrays or slices, the block being looped through will have access to the “global” context.

The for statement takes 1 - 2 arguments. When using the two argument version, the first argument is the “index” of the loop and the second argument is the value from the array or slice.

  <%= for (index, name) in names { %>
    <li><%= index %> - <%= name %></li>
  <% } %>

When using the one argument version the index is omitted and just the value is returned:

  <%= for (name) in names { %>
    <li><%= name %></li>
  <% } %>

Iterating Through Maps

Looping through maps using the each helper is also supported, and follows very similar guidelines to looping through arrays.

When using the two argument version, the first argument is the key of the map and the second argument is the value from the map:

  <%= for (key, value) in users { %>
    <li><%= key %> - <%= value %></li>
  <% } %>

When using the one argument version the key is omitted and just the value is returned:

  <%= for (user) in users { %>
    <li><%= user %></li>
  <% } %>